Straying From the Flock

Out of the pot. Some thoughts on the normalcy bias.

I read an article about a term that I had heard in the past: The Normalcy Bias. It was a very emotional rendition of a woman trying to evacuate her home as a wild fire began to overtake her neighborhood. As I read about her standing there watching the report as it was being read on the news, I thought to myself, wow, she could see the flames out of her window, but she spent those precious seconds staring at the television. The thought baffled me. Why would you stand in the face of imminent danger and do nothing? That is the power of the normalcy bias.

By definition, the normalcy bias refers to an extreme mental state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate the both the possibility of a disaster occurring and also its possible effects.

It is this “That can’t happen here” attitude is both dangerous to yourself and those around you. Many have heard the metaphor about the frog in the pot. (there is debate to it’s truth in science, but the metaphor works well for this example.) Place a frog in a pot of boiling water and it will jump out, but place a frog in tepid water slowly raising the heat, and that frog will remain in the water until it has cooked. Gross, but effective. I can see a large melting pot with 350 million frogs doing the backstroke right now. I am swimming for the edge.

Why doesn’t the frog jump out? Is it because it fears no danger? I am sure that the frog feels the temperature increasing. I think that as long as most of the frogs are having a leisurely swim about the pot, the rest will just continue to tread water. Keeping the status quo intact is essential. Think of our elected politicians and corporate masters as the lifeguards. All is well in the pool, just relax and remember, no running. Someone hand me my towel.

We are told day after day that things are getting better. Inflation is being held in check, the stock market is back to pre-crash levels, and if you were concerned about that immanent terrorist attack, fear not, TSA will give you a little squeeze, take your picture, and ensure your safety. Again, nothing to see here, keep swimming and all will be well. Loss of civil liberties aside, we are much safer than 11 years ago, right? If things were getting better, wouldn’t we undo some of the constrictions that have been put in place to take care of us? Just do another lap and you will be fine.

It isn’t until you are standing outside of the pot that you see the problem. They told you the water was getting warmer because the temperature was being raised to compensate for the air outside getting colder. If you looked up you would see the vent over the stove was on. The first step is to release yourself from the illusion that we are being taken care of and that the recovery is well on the way. After that, there are many things you can do to prepare for the coming paper storm: Food, water, medicine, physical metals, a solid local network, guns and lots of ammo, and reducing your personal debt are just a few of the most essential.

It is not too late. Just follow the wet footprints away from the stove.

Problems and answers

When discussing the Federal Reserve and the end of our monetary system, the same questions get asked.  I see how bad it is, but what can I do?  You have shown me all these problems, but what are your solutions?  My friends, here is my answer:

This has been a hundred years in the making.  The Federal Reserve has been very patient, and in their maniacal vision, they have worked towards debasing the monetary system of the country it was chartered to service.  I have to believe that this was their goal all along. This is not checkers my friends, this is chess.  We loose our savings to the banks en passant due to almost zero interest, and when you factor inflation, well, now you are in the realm of negative growth.  A stat from zero hedge today said that for each $100,000 you put into the bank, you loose $3400 each year.  That fact alone should have you pulling your money from the bank and putting it into the only real store of wealth left:  Gold and silver.  But which one to choose.

Most that are educated in the world of pm’s know that silver is undervalued when compared to gold.  The industrial uses of silver, on top of the investment desire, makes it a very coveted material for the entire world.  Gold has been saved, silver has been discarded.  The total above ground sliver supply has dramatically shrank over the last three decades, and some have begun to speculate that within this decade, we may see such drastic reduction in silver that it may become virtually extinct.  Gold?  Nope, still have tons in the fed vault and all over the world.  Virtually zero silver held in reserve anywhere in the world.  For me, silver is the obvious choice, but it has occurred to me that metal alone, while providing a solid foundation for your paper ponzi fallout shelter, will not save you from what is on the horizon.

We have lost our way. Especially when it comes to taking care of ourselves.  Our great nation used to pride itself on self-reliance.  No longer.  The average American would starve to death, were it not for the local supermarket.  The ability to feed ourselves has been lost to convenience and self-imposed time restrictions.  A hearty home garden will be the difference between life and death when those who are not prepared begin to panic.  And panic they will, rest assured.  I have learned that our people would trample one another for a pair of glow-in-the-dark shoes, let alone a meal when starving.  Self-reliance will only take you so far.  We have silver and we have a garden that will feed us when the rest are wading through the empty store shelves, searching for scraps to try to maintain life.  The way I see it, there is one thing missing.

The final piece of the puzzle is a strong local network.  If you have been sucked into the digital prison that has caused us to stop valuing individual relationships, please, please unplug yourself from the machine.  You are not your facebook page.  Talk to your neighbors.  This may seem like a foreign concept now a days.  I assure you, the odd looks and timid smiles only last a few minutes.  Human beings are social creatures.  We have been retrained to stop behaving this way.  Reach out to someone and they will reach back.  I cannot stress to you enough that if you do not have the knowledge to do something, you have to either pay for it, we do have all that silver, or you barter for some skill or good that you possess.  Building a strong local web of friends and associates will give you the advantage over the masses.  Trust is easier built before the calamity, for after it comes, everyone will be out for themselves. For we as humans, still possess the instinct to survive.

I am sure that if you have made it this far, you already are in agreement with me on one or several of these things.  If you are still reading and you didn’t believe before, I hope that you do now.  Please, don’t get me wrong, there are lots of other things that you are going to need: guns and ammo, shelter, water, and the like are vital to survival, but without the first three tenants of my philosophy, the latter are not worth much.  I would argue you couldn’t live without water, but as neither will your garden, I figured that you had found a water supply. (when all else fails, look up)

This can be the dawn of a new era of human existence.  When the fiat experiment ends, as we all know it will, those that have prepared the right things will be the future of man.  Those that do not, will be a lesson learned:  That when we allow the banks and government to decide what is in our best interest, we subject ourselves to economic slavery.  Break your chains and live free.

Stack faster,


A story about Grandpa

From our friends at SGT Report:

by NetRanger

…a short fable about value and wealth.

Many years ago there was a man named George Franklin (His friends called him “Frank”) who worked hard for his money. He was a machinist. He was highly skilled and highly sought after and, as such, was fairly well off. He and his wife had adequate savings, a nice home, some land, and several children.

One day, late in his career, he had an idea. Frank’s idea was to take an entire months wages and give it to each of his first two great grandsons. He discussed this with his wife, Tina, and they agreed. Their children were all grown and married with either young children or expecting. It would take a bit of extra saving but nothing the couple couldn’t handle. The house was paid for, the kids were raised, the car was old but seldom used.

Frank was paid a fairly handsome wage of $2 per day ($10 per week, $40 per month). It was high for a machinist but his skill and accomplishments rewarded him. So, over the next year, he and his wife set aside $80 for the two great grandsons.

After they saved the first $40, Frank, while cashing his weekly cheque, withdrew $40 in SILVER DOLLARS and put in a small leather bag that Tina had made especially for the purpose. After they saved the second $40, Frank attempted a similar action. But, a strange thing happened: The bank was out of $1 coins. Since a dollar was a dollar, Frank just had the bank give him 4, $10 bills.

The years went on. Frank and Tina aged. Frank never really retired but rather opened his own shop. I don’t think it ever made much money but it kept him busy. Frank died at the ripe old age of 90 and Tina followed the next year at 93. (Yes! Tina was a couple years old than Frank. SCANDALOUS in those days when they were courting.)

When the will was read there was no heir for the “Great Grandson Money”. They had multiple great grandchildren, ALL GIRLS! But, one of the granddaughters-in-law was pregnant with Twin Boys! The entire family was excited over this since these would likely be the heir to the Great Grandson money. They all imagined it to be a great sum, as the amount was kept secret by the designated Executor of the Franklin’s estate.

The twins were born and a meeting with the Franklin’s Estate Executor was scheduled. To the first great grandson was given the first bag of $40. To the second great grandson, born 4 minutes later, the second bag of $40 was given. As the parents opened the bags to see what was in them, shock and awe proceeded around the room! How could Grandpa Frank have been so unfair! So short sighted! …to give one grandson so much and the next one so little.

Think of it: One grandson got 40oz of silver valued at current prices: $1600, the other grandson, who got 4, $10 bills. Total: $40.

How could this be? Great Grandpa worked just as hard and just as long for each of the bags of money, right? The value should be the same. But it was not. Where did the value go? If he had given his grandsons most anything, Colt Revolvers, Barrels of Oil, Land, etc, etc, they would have been equal. But, with the dollars they are not. Why? Isn’t $40 always $40? No it isn’t.

What happened was the value that Grandpa Frank put in each bag was the same, at the time. But, because the bag with the 4, $10 bills was of an item that had arbitrary value that was set by your government, they debased its value by printing more money. They, in effect, stole the value right out of the bag without ever having to touch it. Ingenious! Evil, dishonest and crooked, but, ingenious nevertheless.

The values of gold, silver, copper and many other things are timeless. While their value may go up or down depending on conditions, their value has a MARKET VALUE that cannot be manipulated by a significant amount for long.

If you have value that you need to keep, you need to put it in hard assets. Those assets, though they can be stolen and they can’t be eaten, will retain most of their value over time.

As preppers, we must think about this. But, also, about balance. Don’t sink all of your available income into just silver or gold or Colt Revolvers. You need Food, Fuel, Cash, Ammo, etc to meet immediate needs. Don’t lock it all up in silver or gold. You may lose value when you are force to trade it in a pinch at a lower price because of your desperation.

The eve of Defcon 3

Here we are, again, on the doorstep of impending disaster.  This time it is because someone is doing something we said not to do.  Shocking, I know.  The United States has told the North Korean government that we would cut off their food aid if they were to go ahead with their long range missile testing.  They said they were going to do it anyway.  To which we retorted with “fine, you are now officially cut off.”


Now we are going one step further.  We are activating the AMD missile defense shield.  Thanks to our friends at the drudge report for linking to the Washington Free Beacon:


Time is growing short my friends.  Remember, stack physical silver, grow a hearty home garden, and build a strong local network.


Must Read!!!

This may be the smartest and most important thing ever written:



Grow your own food

Or eat this: